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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Specter - Democrats Promised Me I would Keep my Seniority

WASHINGTON (CNN) — The Democratic leader in the Senate promised Sen. Arlen Specter he would retain his seniority when he jumped from the Republican to the Democratic party, Specter told CNN Wednesday, but faced "pushback" from other Democratic senators.

On Tuesday the Senate confirmed that Specter had lost his seniority in a resolution that set out committee assignments for the entire Senate. The resolution was approved on a unanimous voice vote.

The full Senate voted Tuesday to strip Specter of his seniority, dropping him to the bottom of the pile on every committee he sits on.

The action came on a resolution — passed on a unanimous voice vote — that set out committee assignments for the entire Senate. - CNN News Story

Guess what? They Lied! You elected to join that party and now you have. It is called politics Senator, I will tell you what you want to hear and then do what I want. Welcome aboard Junior Senator.

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