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Friday, May 22, 2009

Solution for Closing Gitmo!!!!

Durbin (IL), Harkin (IA), Leahy (VT), Levin (MI), Reed (RI) and Whitehouse (RI) supported the President on his funding request to close GITMO.

This is so simple I don’t know why no one has thought of it. Divide the number of prisoners, 240 by the number of Senators who voted to fund the closing, 6 and you arrive at 40 per senator. That means Illinois, Iowa, Vermont, Michigan and Rhode Island will get these terrorists. Because both of Rhode Island’s senators voted to fund they win the bonus prize and get 80.

Let’s just see how the voters of those blue states would react to a plan like this.

I am not trying to make light of the situation. These are dangerous people who should never set foot on American soil. But watching the Democrats backpedaling faster than Ginger Rogers doing the Foxtrot demonstrates that their whole national security posturing over the last eight years was just about their hatred and contempt for Bush and Cheney.

I’ll tell you what, they are as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs because they know that any attack on America or American interests abroad will be on their watch. And if the people perceive that they are more interested in “arresting” terrorist killers and reading them their Miranda rights, they will turn on them like a pack of hungry wolves. Regardless of what someone said on The Arena earlier that there is a “public which understands the complexities of security and liberty, and one that is no longer sympathetic to the dichotomous good vs. evil world view advanced for the past eight years”, if there is an attack here watch how quickly good vs. evil returns. - Politico Story

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