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Thursday, September 18, 2008

MPS going out of Business?

The Milwaukee School Board voted 6-3 on Thursday night to begin looking into dissolving the school system.

Although this move appears to be basically the board admitting that they can't solve the problems that are facing them. They have failed for quite some time, and continue to fail. This vote was to tell the public that if you don't give us more money to waste then we will just close the doors.

What a laugh. Go ahead and close it down. Get rid of all of you incompetent people. Then we can go in and set it back up.

Sounds good doesn't it! The problem is, the public. Yes we have told them we will give them no more money, but where are we when it is election time and time to hold them accountable. If they don't do their jobs get their butts out of there.

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