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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Green Plate for Sex Offenders

State Representative Joel Kleefisch (R-Oconomowoc) wants to require that the most violent child molesters be forced to have a fluorescent green license plate on their vehicles. It would let people know when an offender is in the area.

Is this a good idea? I say why not. As a Parent, I sure would like to know when a sexual predator is in my area. The ACLU has a different opinion and is fighting it out in court in another state.

Why do these predators have the right of privacy, after they have violated someone Else's rights. We have to take a hard stand with criminals in general, or crime is going to continue to spiral out of control. Organizations like the ACLU need to get their priorities straight. They should be fighting for the rights of the people violated by these criminals, not fighting for their rights.

What do you think?

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