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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Trumps Illegal Immigrants to Sancuary Cities Move, Brilliant

President Trump's discussion on taking the overflow of Illegals at the border and bussing them into Sanctuary Cities is a brilliant thought.

While a majority of Americans feel that there is indeed an emergency at the Southern Border and Congress needs to act, the Left refuses to solve the issue.  They maintain their position of let them in and lets support and protect them.

So what better than to take these people to the cities and states that have made it their mission to take them in and protect them and support them over their own citizens.  Cities like New York, Chicago and San Francisco would be fantastic locations for them.

It amazes me how all of a sudden Democrats are up in arms.  They are upset that the President would suggest a move like this.  Why?  You have made your position clear and passed laws to protect them and keep the Federal Enforcement Agencies from being able to perform their duties to address the issue.  But you don't really want them?  You don't want to take them in?

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