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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton Will not be Prosecuted over Emails

Clinton again will skate free of wrongdoing.  The FBI Director James Comey has said that they will not recommend charges for what Clinton did.  He argued that based on the evidence "no reasonable prosecutor" would even consider bringing a case.

However just just last year the U.S. Government did exactly that.  A case very similar when a Naval Reservist had classified material on Personal Devices and the FBI found no evidence that he intended any harm with the material he was prosecuted.  He was fined, put on probation and stripped of his security clearance forever.

I guess that wouldn't be good if you are trying to become the President.

This is exactly what is wrong with America today.  The Politicians want to make it about Rich vs Poor, or Black vs White.  It really isn't about that.  It is about Politicians who get away with anything and everything and none of the rules and laws that we must follow apply to them.  

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