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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Crime is Out of Control and They Want to Take Away Guns?

Crime is totally getting out of control.  Everyday there are shootings and attacks all around us.  Even the Police are bold targets of the criminals.  Even places that have always been considered safe areas are seeing crime go up tremendously.

What can possibly be the rationale for pushing to take away guns from law abiding citizens?  I don't think these people are stupid, they have to know that all of these gun laws will do nothing to affect criminals getting guns.  So I have to ask, what is the expected outcome?

I went through a long period where I was a Licensed Carrier of my concealed weapon.  Once I moved and really had little reason to carry.  I haven't for more than a decade.  Now I can tell you I have unlocked the safe and pulled out my trusty friends and cleaned them up.  I have restocked and am planning on again getting my license.  You just can't feel safe anywhere anymore and the leaders feel that the resolution is to restrict my right to carry?

What is seriously going on here?

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