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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Don't Understand Why There Isn't More Outrage for Killings

Every time I turn on the news I hear all about how bad the Police are and how racist we all are.  What I don't understand is, where is all this same outrage for the thousands of senseless killings by the thugs on the streets of all of our cities?

I don't really give a crap whether they are black, white, green, yellow or brown!!! 

When you hear on the news of kids being shot and killed because they are caught in the crossfire or whatever reason, there should be a full on outrage.  Everyone should demand they be brought to justice.

Nope.  There is no Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder or President Obama.  They only get involved in issues where they can call it a race issue. 

The streets of America's Cities are under attack by people who quite frankly don't give a shit about any laws or what color of skin you have.  That is a problem for all of us to have to deal with.  The race issue is just making it harder and harder to actually solve.

Police Officers have a tough job.  Not in a million years would you get me to do that job.  They have to go into these areas where crime is super high and have little support for the people they are helping.  They are out manned and in many cases out armed.  Many of the criminals they take off the street are put right back out there because of the criminal justice system. 

Sure there are Police Officers that are over the top and need to be taken off the streets.  I am sure that the rioting and narrative that we saw after the Ferguson debacle really helped with that.  Not.  That was a very poor example that the media and the black leadership tried to use as a race issue. 

Watch the news in any big city in America and you will here of the many shootings and murders every day.  In Milwaukee those shootings and murders involve the black community 80% of the time.  That is where the outrage should be.  That is where Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder and President Obama should be.  We have seen too many young kids killed and involved in these events.  Where is the outrage? 

When a black male is shot does it matter who shot them?  It should be an outrage period.  It should be an outrage every time someone is killed.  Race should be irrelevant.

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