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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Obama Ignored and Overruled Military Leaders

Reports that in 2010 the Commander in Charge in Iraq had informed Obama directly that we needed to leave a residual force of 20,000 in Iraq to maintain the gains against Al-Qaida.

Obama decided to not pursue the matter and negotiate that with any real intent.  Instead he and many Democrats touted the Iraq Withdrawal as a promise kept and war won.

Obama also has said recently that the Intelligence community underestimated ISIS.  I am guessing that he has forgotten, oops, never read his briefings.  Many people, even within his own administration, has been talking about the threat of ISIS for over a year.

Now we have also found out that Military leaders have said that destroying ISIS will require ground troops from the United States.  Obama again has chosen to ignore and overrule the Military leaders and do it his way. 

Here we go again

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