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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Candidate for Sheriff Vows to Ignore the Law

Chris Moews is running on the Democratic ticket in the Primary and has drown support from the Left in a major push to unseat Sheriff David Clarke.

First came the revelation that Greater Wisconsin Committee is running $400,000 worth of attack ads in a two week period against Sheriff Clark and now Voces de la Frontera Action is paying for a get out the vote program to try and unseat the Sheriff. 

According to Voces,  "Lt. Moews has vowed to join hundreds of other cities across the country if elected, and refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials on ICE holds that jail undocumented people senselessly and arbitrarily."

Sheriff Clarke has made waves with the Democratic establishment for not supporting Mayor Barrett and County Exec Chris Abele. 

Many believe that Chris Abele is behind the huge influx of funds behind the attack ads.

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