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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Obama, Holder and the Race Card

You hear it said repeatedly, people are against the President because he is black, or, people are against the Attorney General because he is black.

The left in particular have been throwing out the race card for years.  They blamed race on the slow response by President Bush to the Katrina disaster.  Now every time someone disagrees or criticizes the President it is because of race.  I haven't heard it said that the slow response to the Border Crises is because they are Hispanic.  Race just doesn't play a part.

It is by design.  Democrats need a racial divide in this country.  They live and die politically based on the racial divide and the class divide.  They have to keep the race issue alive and the upper class versus the middle and lower class.  That is how they win elections.

The problem with that is that it has been a huge set back for race relations.  They have made the country more and more divided over the years.  Pitting white vs black and rich vs poor.  Race relations have taken a big hit over the last decade.

Are there racist people out there?  Absolutely.  However the truth is, it is on both sides of the issue.  Racial discrimination is a two way street.  You can't have politicians out there making every issue about race.  The unfortunate part is that both sides of the issue like to push it to the extreme.

Having the first Black President was suppose to be a landmark for the United States.  However it has turned into a major race issue.  Not because there are some out there that are racist, but because politicians have used it to push a political agenda.  They have created a false narrative.  People disagree with and take issue with the President and Attorney General on policy, not on race.

There are plenty of people from all races that support both parties on the political spectrum.  Race and Gender and Class should not be a part of the equation.  Until we take it out of the conversation it will never truly go away.

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