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Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama Pushes for Funds for Infrastructure - Wasn't that what the Stimulus was for?

In a speech in the White House Rose Garden this morning, President Obama pushed for bipartisan support of increased funding for transportation initiatives, and emphasized that a "fundamental overhaul" of the country's "woefully inefficient" transit system was necessary to reduce unemployment and remain competitive on an international level.

The president, speaking alongside former Secretaries of Transportation Samuel Skinner and Norman Mineta and Secretary of Treasury Timonthy Geithner, said that the six-year initiative - which has been pegged at approximately $50 billion - would not only repair and modernize U.S. roads, rails, and air systems, but also provide much-needed work opportunities for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

"We can no longer afford to sit still," Mr. Obama said, pointing out that the average American pays twice as much annually on transportation as on food. - CBS News Story

Wasn't that what the Stimulus was to do? I thought that we were going to use a lot of those funds to get shovel ready projects going. It was suppose to help the economy and fix the infrastructure in one swoop. Guess that didn't work. Why not throw more money at something that's not working? That sounds like a great idea. Then we can put more money into it when that doesn't work.

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