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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Feds File Lawsuit in Arizona

The federal government filed a lawsuit Tuesday aimed at blocking a controversial Arizona law that gives local police and sheriffs the authority to question and arrest anyone suspected of being in the country illegally.

The Justice Department lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix, argues that the new state law violates the Constitution by usurping federal authority over immigration policy, traditionally the jurisdiction of the federal government.

The long-awaited legal salvo from federal authorities comes about three weeks before the Arizona legislation is set to go into effect, on July 28.

Latino groups have complained bitterly that the legislation will lead to racial profiling — specifically, the detention and arrest of Hispanics who are U.S. citizens or legal residents but who may not be able to quickly prove that to police. Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.), who signed the measure in April, said the law contains provisions to guard against racial profiling.

President Barack Obama echoed those concerns during a speech he gave on immigration last week.

“States like Arizona have decided to take matters into their own hands. Given the levels of frustration across the country, this is understandable. But it is also ill conceived,” Obama said. “Laws like Arizona’s put huge pressures on local law enforcement to enforce rules that ultimately are unenforceable...These laws also have the potential of violating the rights of innocent American citizens and legal residents, making them subject to possible stops or questioning because of what they look like or how they sound.”

Obama also warned that “a patchwork” of state and local laws on immigration would undermine the “national standard.” - Politico Story

What is this President talking about? Undermine the National Standard? We have a National Standard? I didn't think we had much of anything.

If this President and this Congress would get off their collective money spending ass's and do something, states wouldn't have to take matters into their own hands.

This President decided that we didn't need a border fence. We didn't need extra help on the border. That the border is safe.

Well guess what Mr. President, we need to secure our southern border and we need to do it now.

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