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Friday, May 7, 2010

Obama's Change Requires Him to Subvert The Constitution

Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” America as our nation’s president. That’s not surprising, because in various ways most presidential candidates say they will do just that.

But it’s different with President Obama, because his plans, dreams, and vision for the United States are irreconcilably at odds with the most important thing our nation’s Founders gave us and hoped for us to keep safe forever: our Constitution. The Constitution of the United States stands in the way of what Barack Obama wants to do.

For Obama to remake our country into what he wants it to be, he must subvert the Supreme Law of the Land.

Key parts of the Constitution are designed to protect us from our own government. Obama knows he must execute an aggressive strategy to disarm those constitutional safeguards, to free himself from its constraints so that he can truly “fundamentally transform” this nation.

And that’s what he’s doing. - The Blue Print Book

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