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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obama's Reckless Disregard for Our Safety

A favorite complaint from politicians is that their words or actions are taken out of context. Lest we be accused here, let's put President Obama's new policy of reducing America's nuclear arsenal and restricting its use into the context of his feeble efforts to stop Iran from getting the bomb.

The result: Only outlaw states and their terrorist clients will have nukes and be willing to use them. That's the full context of Obama's strange desire to abdicate America's role as the world's lone superpower.

Obama described the policy aims to The New York Times, which concluded his changes represented the middle ground between liberals and conservatives. Nonsense.

The honest-to-Chamberlain truth is that his goal of a nuke-free world is being pursued with a peace-at-any-price recklessness.

That's not a matter of left or right political philosophy. It's a childish fantasy that is dangerous to America's health.

It is one thing to hope the rest of the world will go along if we tie both hands behind our back. It is quite another to behave as though all mankind is already on board the Peace Train. - NY POST Story

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