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Monday, February 22, 2010

Obama Trying to Fast Track Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON -- President Obama's newest proposal for health care reform includes much of the provisions of the Senate's bill that passed on Christmas Eve, but excludes the special deal arranged for Nebraska to have its Medicaid bills covered by the federal government.

The latest plan is expected to require most Americans to carry health insurance coverage, with federal subsidies to help many afford the premiums. It would bar insurance companies from denying coverage to people with medical problems or charging them more. The expected price tag is around $1 trillion over 10 years.

Administration officials said Monday that the president's proposal does not include a so-called public option because that did not make it into final Senate language.

It does eliminate the "cornhusker kickback" and includes additional series of measures proposed by Republicans to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse. It also closes the donut hole for prescription drug coverage and increases the exemption rate for taxes on "Cadillac plans" held by high-risk workers.

Language on abortion funding restrictions remain part of the bill, but more stringent language that passed the House on the urging of Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak did not make the cut. - FOX News Story

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