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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Democrats to Target FOX News - AGAIN!!!!

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has come up with a novel way to energize the base and capitalize on the left’s antipathy to Fox News—a “Fact Check Fox” State of the Union rapid response team staffed by grassroots activists.

“This group of Democratic Party activists will stand at the ready to counter the lies and distortions that erupt from the rightwing media and Republican spin doctors like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck following President Obama's State of the Union address on Wednesday night,” reads the email, which will be sent out Wednesday to its 4 million-plus list. “You will receive rapid response fact check text alerts and a direct line to our Rapid Response team to tell us when you see Republican pundits and Members of Congress twisting the truth.”

The DCCC email, which says it aims to recruit 5,000 new members to its fact check team by midnight, comes with head shots of four top Fox villains—Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. - Politico Story

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