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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Obama's Pretend Non War on Terrorism

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer responds to Dick Cheney's criticism of President Obama, saying that the former vice president is "more focused on criticizing the administration than condemning the attackers."

"To put it simply: this president is not interested in bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on action," Pfeiffer wrote on the White House blog. "Seven years of bellicose rhetoric failed to reduce the threat from Al Qaeda and succeeded in dividing this country. And it seems strangely off-key now, at a time when our country is under attack, for the architect of those policies to be attacking the president."

Cheney had told POLITICO that Obama was "trying to pretend we are not at war." Pfeiffer called the claim "clearly untrue."

"President Obama doesn’t need to beat his chest to prove it, and — unlike the last administration — we are not at war with a tactic (“terrorism”)," he wrote, adding that the United States is "at war with something that is tangible: Al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered." - Politico Story

Everyone with half a brain knew it was coming. A Terrorist Attack on American Soil. Obama and his Department of Homeland Security ended the "war on terrorism" instead opting for the "man made disaster" theme.

Well, now they have changed their mind and call the latest Terrorist Act as an attack on America. Is it really an attack, or a near man made disaster?

DHS Secretary first said the system worked. Then the President said it was a system wide failure. Then they are blaming the CIA.

Wait, did we forget to say that Obama and his team earlier in the year with AG Holder decided that the CIA was responsible for treating the Terrorist too harshly. Can't imagine why the CIA wasn't out there doing whatever it takes to keep Terrorist off of American Soil.

Well, for those of you who don't want to listen to Cheney, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, or any of the people who stand up and fight the Obama Administration about Gitmo, and transferring these Terrorist to Illinois, This is not the last of the Terrorist Attacks on the USA.

Thank you Obama for taking the WAR ON TERROR back to pre 9/11.

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