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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Democrats Upset that People Know how they will Vote?

Democratic House leaders are having a tough time getting an accurate vote count for their health care bill after a list kept by Majority Whip Jim Clyburn leaked out last week.

The list, compiled to show that a “robust” public option could not win majority support, revealed the positions of every Democrat who opposed the plan or was still on the fence — including those of moderates in both the “yes” and “no” columns who would have preferred to keep their powder dry on a version of the bill that never came to the floor.

Moderates accuse party liberals of leaking the list to blogger Greg Sargent and other reporters — and Democratic aides say that some of those moderates are retaliating by refusing to tell leaders how they plan to vote on the more moderate version of the bill that was introduced last week.

“I think there’s frustration by anyone and everyone that does whip counting,” one senior Democratic aide said of the leak.

A survey of the current bill conducted late last week left fewer “yes” responses than vote counters expected, the Democratic aides said.

“A concerted effort has been made to respond in the undecided column in rebellion to the fact that the whip list was leaked,” said another senior Democratic aide. - Politico Story

What does this tell you. When people get upset that people will know how they are going to vote. They don't want you to know? What is that and what does it tell you about your representatives?

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