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Monday, June 15, 2009

Without Health Care Reform America may go Broke

(CNN) -- President Obama said Monday that limits on medical malpractice lawsuits could be a necessary part of overhauling the nation's ailing health care system.

The AMA agrees with Obama on the need for health care reform but not how to go about it.

In a speech to the 158th annual meeting of the American Medical Association, Obama cited the need for doctors to cut health care costs by reducing the number of unnecessary tests and procedures that are performed to reduce the risk of malpractice claims. Such reductions might require restrictions on malpractice liability to protect doctors, the president said.

"I'm not advocating caps on malpractice awards, which I personally believe can be unfair to people who've been wrongfully harmed, but I do think we need to explore a range of ideas about how to put patient safety first, how to let doctors focus on practicing medicine, how to encourage broader use of evidence-based guidelines," he said.

Obama also told the AMA that rising health care costs could force the United States to follow in the footsteps of a bankrupt automaker.

"If we do not fix our health care system, America may go the way of GM -- paying more, getting less and going broke," he said. - CNN Story

America may go broke? Well, I finally agree with the President. Mark that down. I most definitely will be revisiting this agreement repeatedly. If we keep going the way we are America will go broke.

The only problem with the statement that he made was, it has little to do with Health Care. Obama says that this plan will cost some $1 Trillion Dollars. He also says that he has found the savings to pay for it.

What about the $1 Trillion PLUS that he has spent in the first 100 days? What about the $3 Trillion plus massive spending budget? We are going BROKE, but not do to Health Care, it is due to OBAMA and the Democrats in Congress.

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