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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Flood Victims get No Response from Government

West Allis - It was bad enough when last week's torrential rains filled Mike Duvall's basement, swamped his garage and ruined his possessions - but it was the response by his community leaders that really got him boiling.

Duvall and his neighbors in the 5600 block of W. Mitchell St. couldn't get West Allis officials to come out and clean up the sewage that's stuck to the streets and sidewalks or get inspections of their basements or get the Department of Public Works to return phone calls.

But those who could move their cars from wrecked garages to higher ground before the next round of rain on Friday evening did get feedback from the city - in the form of $20 parking tickets.

"It was a complete lack of response. Their response Friday and the rest of the weekend was: 'This was an act of God, good luck,' " Duvall said Monday morning, sitting on a couch he had pulled out onto his porch.

On Monday, the city picked up ruined possessions residents set out but had not yet cleaned the street.

Duvall, who called the city Friday to ask for permission for him and his neighbors to park on the street, was so incensed he gathered petitions asking for a meeting with Mayor Dan Devine and other officials. The mayor and other officials met with them Monday morning and promised to take care of the 15 parking tickets.

Duvall said he hasn't been able to get the city to inspect his home, which We Energies requires before it will hook up his gas again. - JS Online Story

By golly where is George Bush? He hasn't helped us out? Isn't it only George Bush who has failed to respond to a Natural Disaster?

No, the truth is, it is nearly impossible for the Government to be prepared for everything that can happen. Now, not to dimish the poor job that West Allis City Officials did, it is hard to be prepared and act as quickly as everyone would like in situations like this.

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