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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rove Defends Cheneys attacks on Obama

Dick Cheney was forced to respond to President Barack Obama, who has launched an "unprecedented" array of attacks on his predecessor, former top Bush aide Karl Rove said Sunday.

"You cannot find any American president who has routinely and as often excoriated his predecessor as this president has done," Rove said on "Fox News Sunday."

Rove, one of the most polarizing figures of the Bush White House who waged fierce assaults on Democrats, added that Cheney was compelled to set "the record straight." - FOX News

You can blast Cheney for attacking President Obama if you want, but you have to in the same sentence admit that Obama has been out of line attacking Bush.

Obama wanted the job. He wasn't force to take it. He wanted it, now he has to take ownership for it. You can't blame all of your problems on someone else. And you can't cry foul when you are attacked from members of the previous Administration when you take every opportunity to attack them. Be a man, be a leader and quit your crying.

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