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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Senate Gives Obama $350 Billion

The vote averts a politically awkward showdown between Obama and Democratic leaders in Congress. Obama had warned that he would have vetoed legislation blocking access to the second half of the $700 billion financial rescue funds known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. - FOX News Story

"At first glance, it appears that my Democratic colleagues think they can borrow and spend their way back to prosperity with a half-trillion dollars of new spending and less tax relief than President-elect Obama has been talking about," said Republican Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the party's leader in the House.
- FOX News

Spend spend spend. That appears to be the plan to get the economy moving. What do we do when the economy starts moving and the Federal Government is Bankrupt? Who gives them a bailout? You can bet much higher taxes on the horizon for all of us. There is absolutely no possible way to continue this spending and the planned spending that is being announced daily, and not substantially raise taxes on all Americans. At the rate we are spending, I don't see a sustainable recovery in our future. Cut spending, lower taxes, let the companies fail that have made poor business decisions, and let the market correct itself. Quit trying to manipulate everything with money that we do not have!!!!

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