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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama & Acorn

Obama put his Community Organization background up against Governor Palin's background as experience. I believe that we need to take a look deeper into the Senators background and experience, especially in light of all of the legal and political issues going on right now with ACORN.

Obama's Community Organizing came from his experience with ACORN. He was a driving force with them when they were pushing, and some would say bullying, banks into issuing sub prime loans.

When Obama was a lawyer/community activist he represented ACORN and sued Fannie Mae to reduce the requirements for getting mortgages. So the lenders complied and loaned to high risk buyers. As any banker will tell you, your credit rating determines your interest rate. So these high risk buyers wound up with adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). see story

I believe that you can blame all sides for this mess, Republicans & Democrats. However I find it very ironic that Obama will sit there with a straight face and blame it on the Republicans for deregulation. It isn't deregulation, it is people like him. He helped create the mess. The regulation he is talking about is regulation on himself.

Obama was also involved in a lawsuit against Citibank in 1994 also to get the requirements lowered for people to get better loans.

Is it any wonder that Obama's former group is now tied up in all kinds of voter fraud allegations in key swing states. This is the organization that has very strong ties to the nominee, and they are involved in illegal voter activity in key states the nominee must win.

The worst part about the voter fraud, is that there is nothing that can be done. If you throw out all of the votes this group helped get you undoubtedly will also be throwing out some good votes by good people. By the time the mess is cleaned up, the election will be over and nothing will be done if it is found the wrong person was elected.

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