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Monday, April 14, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmm...

In a time when you hear repeated about the lack of funding for schools and government programs, why in the world would you be paying out money to someone sitting in jail? I have heard everyone say, "their innocent until proven guilty." I agree. Now really take a look at it, how many of you could say that if you got arrested and was put into jail, your job would continue to pay you? Not many that I can think of. Let alone collect travel expenses. Where are you traveling to? You are in jail!!!!

Well, that is exactly what Milwaukee Residents are doing. They continued to pay Michael McGee his $60,000 and an additional $3,000 for travel since he has been in jail pending trials in state and federal court.

I wish that someone could explain all of this to me in a way that makes since.

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