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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wisconsin Rep Gwen Moore Upset about Proposal to Drug Test

Wisconsin Rep Gwen Moore is taking Gov Walker to task for a proposal that would require drug testing of those receiving public assistance.

Today, for fun we are going to take her on point for point.

"I find it shameful that Governor Walker has chosen to drug test our struggling Wisconsin families as a condition of eligibility for vital, life-saving social services. The insinuation that those battling poverty are somehow more susceptible to substance abuse is as absurd as it is offensive. Drug addiction and substance abuse knows no economic or social distinctions. This discriminatory policy is devoid of any scientific credibility and has proven in the past to be fiscally irresponsible and a colossal waste of our time."

First of all, I don't think that I have heard any discussion about the people battling poverty being more susceptible to substance abuse.  So for her to be offended by that, well, that is in her own mind.  She is correct that "Drug addiction and substance abuse know no economic or social distinctions" , however, Gov. Walker wasn't talking about those people not receiving our tax dollars to survive.

Lastly on this point, what is the outrage?  If these people are in desperate need of tax money to survive and have a drug habit then they need help.  Help getting off drugs.  Then they will be in a better situation to provide for themselves and their family and maybe not need assistance.

"Forcing the most vulnerable among us to choose between feeding their families and protecting their constitutionally protected rights is disgraceful, even for Governor Walker’s standards. Governor Walker’s insistence on holding critical government aid hostage to appease the likes of the Tea Party is abhorrent to the values we cherish as Americans"

I almost fell over laughing reading this quote.  How is anyone being forced to "choose between feeding their families and protecting their constitutionally protected rights"?  Last I heard the drug tests were for Illegal drugs.  I don't find it disgraceful at all for there to be stipulations on receiving social assistance.  It is pretty simple, if you are spending your money on drugs instead of your family and want the taxpayers to supplement your habit then you shouldn't be receiving the money without stipulations to getting off drugs.  Is it really that difficult to understand?

"We have the capacity to ensure a bright future for those living in poverty and provide them with the economic security they need to support their families and thrive, but there are those on the fringe of the Republican Party who continue to stand in the way. I look forward to the day when Wisconsin can welcome a Governor who is truly committed to helping our working families regain their economic footing."

What in the world is she even talking about?  Does she believe her own BS?

How do you ensure someone's bright future if you don't tackle any substance abuse issues?

Gwen Moore thinks that the fighting poverty programs have been working?  She thinks that things are getting better?

Hello!!!!!  More people are living in Poverty now than when you took office!!!!

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