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Friday, September 19, 2014

Democrats Wrong again on Wisconsin Financial Future

Over the last couple of weeks we kept hearing that the Walker Administration was going to have a $1.8 Billion budget shortfall.  This was due to a request by Democratic Sen. Jennifer Shilling of Lacrosse made to the Fiscal Bureau.  However, that request was to pretend that there would be no economic growth and no more budget cutting by Republicans.

The Democrats touted that number over and over and over again without telling us the truth about the assumptions.

Now the truth has come out and a new report right along with it.

If you assume that the Wisconsin Economy continues to grow at the same average as it has for the last 6 years, 2.9% and the Republicans pass the cuts they have planned then Wisconsin will actually have a budget surplus of $535 Million.

It was amazing for the Democrats to even pretend to care about a budget that had such a massive shortfall.  They voted on those types of budgets for years when Doyle was the Governor and they support them in the Federal Government as well. 

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