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Monday, April 13, 2009

UN Slaps North Korea on the Wrist - Condemns Missle Launch

UNITED NATIONS — A week after North Korea's rocket launch, the U.N. Security Council on Monday condemned the action, demanded an end to missile tests and said it will expand sanctions against the reclusive communist nation.

The council's statement, agreed on by all 15 members and read at a formal meeting of the United Nations' most powerful body, said the launch violated a council resolution adopted after the North conducted a nuclear test explosion in 2006 that banned any missile tests by the country.

The statement was a weaker response than a U.N. resolution, which was sought by Japan and the United States but was opposed by China and Russia. U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice insisted the statement is legally binding, just like a resolution, but other diplomats and officials disagreed. - FOX News Story

There it is the official Condemnation of North Korea. Means very little to anyone. Obama's people are trying to sell it for more than it actually is. It is little more than the slap on the wrist and the "don't do it again".

Obama should take a look at how he is doing business. So far of all of his tests, the only one that he has succeeded in is the Pirates.

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