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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Government Extremist

Bradley A. Blakeman, Republican strategist, consultant, entrepreneur:

The inmates are running the asylum at Homeland Security. When Secretary Napolitano took over at Homeland what was her first order of business? She gave the edict, with the blessing of the Administration, that no longer would the government use the term, “war on terror” or “terrorism”. Instead the new lingo will be “man-made disasters”. The fact that Homeland sees fit to publish a report that can only be intended to further polarize an already polarized population is nuts. The country is divided in philosophy. Such a division does not make those in opposition right wing extremists, it makes them practitioners of democracy. Reduce...

There is not one scintilla of back-up for the outrageous conclusions contained in the Homeland report. The only “extremism” that exists in our country, can be found in those who serve a new government hell bent on governing by threat and raw power. They railroad Bills through without any opportunity for those called to vote on it to even read it. They state very matter of factly to the opposition that, “we won, therefore we rule”, yet they claim to seek bipartisanship. The Democrats have been out of power so long that they feel the need for speed in governing. There exists a tremendous sense of entitlement on their part. Either you are with them or against them, and if you oppose them you are labeled a “right wing extremist”. I would say that is pretty extreme - Politico

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