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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Another Bailout

Ok, the big bailout of the Banking Industry is costing us 100's of Billions of dollars, Now Obama and Pelosi want to bail out the Auto Industry. I got one for you!!!!

Here we go, let's do a bailout of the America People. My plan will save everyone and I guarantee you that the Economy will go into an instant boom. It will save the Banks, it will save the Auto Industry, it will curb the Housing Industry, the Retail Industry, everyone will be in Great shape.

Lets immediately get together in Washington and Bailout the American People. If you pay taxes, then put together a list of all your debt. Washington will collect the list of debts and pay all of them off. They don't have to do it in one shot, just take over the loans and pay them off over the next 10 years. Put the credit back the way it was, you have to establish a credit rating and have collateral to get credit so we don't get back in this mess.

With everyone being out of debt, and cutting off the line that caused everyone to have such easy access to credit we will see a boom in the economy. We all would have more liquid assets to plan for our future. (WOW, we can also help solve the Social Security problem because we will be able to afford our own retirement.) We will be spending more and there will be more money circulating through the economy instead of on bad credit.

The Banks will be guaranteed payment on their loans over the next 10 years, and that will help them. The automakers can get a big lump sum payment up front to payoff the car loans that they stupidly made on the 0% interest loan programs, which will help them out.

I'll bet you that Obama has already thought about all of this and is well on his way to working in a bi-partisan way to get this passed as soon as possible.

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