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Monday, July 11, 2016

From a Former Listener of Talk Radio

I listened for many years to talk radio.  It was my fix for getting my political news and really enjoyed. 

Now I am a recovering listener.  I now don't turn it on and have transitioned to enjoying listening to music on my drive times. 

Over the past year I have gotten so fed up with the local talk radio that I can't stomach the craziness that it has become.  It seems that the opinions of the host is that they know better than anyone and everyone is stupid and wrong for having different beliefs and thought patterns than them.  I have been closely watching the GOP to see how they handle this convention and election.  I have always been a strong Republican and have found myself for the first time answering the question of party as Independent.  The GOP is fracturing and when people can't listen to both sides and work together, then I am not sure this party represents me anymore. 

So for now I am enjoying listening to great music on other stations and watching to see if the GOP is going to work together or fall apart.

For the Record, Democrats have just as big a mess as the GOP has going on.

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