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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What are Obama's Priorities?

I was listening to the News the last week, listening to the radio, reading the White House Briefings, and I for the life of me can not figure out what the President is thinking.

We are in serious trouble with the war in Afghanistan. The General there and NATO both say that there needs to be some big changes or we are going to lose the war. Obama has said that he is reviewing it and is in no hurry to make any decisions. Yet we hear that he has only talked to the Commanding General One time since he put him in charge! What is he thinking? He has time for Beer Summits at the White House, Trips to the Grand Canyon, Town Halls Across the Country, Trip to pitch for the Olympics, meeting with Celebrities, Going on David Letterman, Appearing on every weekend morning show, and only time for 1 conversation with the man that he put in charge of the War!

He was the one that during the election said that we needed to pull out of Iraq and get back to the forgotten war and the actual war on Terror and that was Afghanistan. He promised that it would be his top priority. Well? Is it really his top priority?

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